FSEA Spring Meeting 2018 - Call for Abstracts
Posted November 20 2017The Florida Society of Environmental Analysts (FSEA) will hold its Spring Meeting and Technical Session on May 23-25, 2018 at the Clearwater Beach Marriott Suites on Sand Key.
FSEA is soliciting abstracts on environmental laboratory topics of interest to all environmental laboratory stakeholders. The abstract should deal with new concepts or novel applications of established concepts. It may describe substantial improvements of existing techniques or present new data in support and extension of these techniques. Comparative and/or supportive data should be included. Abstracts may also cover such topics as regulatory and QA/QC issues, laboratory and field activities, and laboratory training and workshops.
The adequacy of an abstract will be evaluated and papers not selected may be considered for the Society's 2018 Fall Meeting. Papers are intended as educational tools and should focus on the technical aspect(s) of the product or service presented. Submitted abstracts determined to emphasize sales over technical value will not be considered.
Abstracts should be 150 words or less and must be solicited electronically (Word or PDF) to the host and program coordinator at secretary@fsea.net no later than January 12, 2018. We look forward to hearing from you!