Downloadable Price Sheet
SyringeFilter price Sheet 2025
Chemical Compatibility Sheets:
Comprehensive Syringe Filter Chemical Compatibility Sheet for download.
Quick guide:
Certificates of Analyses Examples:
Nylon 0.45 micron, 50mm Syringe Filter COA
PVDF 0.45 micron, 13mm Syringe Filter COA
MCE 0.45 micron, 30mm Syringe Filter COA
Specific COAs for individual lot numbers may be requested at any time. Please allow up to 48 hours to receive a copy of the requested lot #.
Videos: has added a handful of videos that we think you might find useful:
Presentation of the selection of syringe filter porosity and membrane:
Basic filtration:
Peptide filtration:
You may find more videos on our YouTube page.
Credit Application:
Client Credit Application (Client Credit Application - Microsoft Word Copy)
Great Resources:
A good source for articles and water news:
A great mindset for environmental responsibility in the lab:
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