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TNI's Chemistry Expert Committee Approves Revised Guidance Document on LOD/LOQ

The TNI Chemistry Expert Committee has approved revision 1 to the guidance document TNI V1M4 2016 Standard Update Guidance on Detection and Quantitation. This revision clarifies which language comes from the TNI standard, or language from the EPA procedure, or the opinion of the committee. https://nelac-institute.org/docs/guidance/GUID-3-109-Rev1.pdf

FSEA Meeting Annoucement!

Registration information is available: www.fsea.net/events

Cannabis market related software

We are pleased to show off this option created by our friends at SampleServe: https://youtu.be/66Qfv6MBE-g; https://youtu.be/b2qMCT_FMsA.

PFAS info

Here's a good link with some PFAS info:  https://pfas-1.itrcweb.org/fact-sheets/

Job Opportunities at Ocean Systems Laboratory

Senior Laboratory Analyst (St. Thomas) Laboratory Technician (St. Thomas) Part Time Beach Sampler (St. Croix) We are seeking new team members who are passionate about water quality and care about the health of our community. Our lab analyzes public drinking water system samples, beach samples, wastewater samples and stormwater samples to determine compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act. We work with government agencies and...

Cannabis Sample Tracking - SampleServe

Here's a slick system for tracking cannabis samples by SampleServe: https://youtu.be/66Qfv6MBE-g

The South Carolina Office of Environmental Laboratory Certification Publishes Updates

Included in this update: New Acting Program Manager over the Environmental Laboratory Certification Program SW-846 Update VI, Phase II Implementation Reporting of residual chlorine results Commonly asked holding time and incubation questions Notes concerning proficiency tests (PTs) and demonstrations of capability Dissolved oxygen (DO) membrane method versus luminescence DO (LDO) method A sample preparation reminder for microbiological methods https://www.scdhec.gov/sites/default/files/media/document/Environmental%20Laboratory%20Certification%20Updates%20-%20May%202019.pdf From © Catalyst Information Resources at www.catalystinforesources.com

TNI Sets Implementation Date for New Scoring Criteria of PT Samples

The NELAC Institute has established the date for scoring PT sample results according to the new TNI standard to be January 31, 2020, consistent with the implementation date for this standard.  ABs who implement the 2016 standard before or after January 31, 2019 may choose to perform their own evaluation. https://nelac-institute.org/news.php?id=3838 From www.catalystinforesources.com

Registration Opens for the Environmental Measurement Symposium

Registration is now open for the 2019 Environmental Measurement Symposium, the combined meeting of the Forum on Laboratory Accreditation and the National Environmental Monitoring Conference (NEMC).  The 2019 Symposium will be held at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville from August 5-9, 2019. Some of the highlights for the week include: A special half-day general session with key speakers focused on the conference theme; Over 180 oral and poster presentations on a...

Senior Laboratory Analyst position posted

The Senior Laboratory Analyst position posted April 2 and will close on Monday, April 15th.  If you or anyone you know is interested in the Senior Laboratory Analyst position, please have them go the website https://henrico.us/services/jobs/ , click on “Search/Apply for a Job, and search for IRC105101.    If you have any questions, please contact Tino. Florentino (Tino) Galvez Chemist, Laboratory Supervisor Water Reclamation Facility Henrico County DPU 9101 WRVA...

TNI Training Course:

Good Laboratory Practice Series: Principles of Sample Collection April 8, 11, and 16, 2019 4/08/19   12N - 4pm EST   Session 1: General Concepts4/11/19   12N - 4pm EST   Session 2: Water Sampling Sources4/16/19   12N - 4pm EST   Session 3: Sediments Registration

Khemia's Newsletter #2

Please see our short article on page 2 of Khemia's second newsletter: http://khemia.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Khemia-Newsletter-V2-Issue-2.pdf

Khemia's Newsletter #1

Please see our first article on page 6 of Khemia Software's first newsletter: http://khemia.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Khemia-Newsletter-V1-Issue-1.pdf  

Khemia's Upcoming Newsletter #3

We are pleased to say we are contributing to Khemia Software's (www.khemia.com) newest newsletter due out later this month!  We'll gladly post a copy when available.

Semiannual Regulatory Agenda Published

EPA has published their Semiannual Agenda of regulatory actions that contains information about regulations that are under development, completed, or canceled since the last agenda. (11/16/18; 83 FR 58079) https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2018-11-16/pdf/2018-23914.pdf © Catalyst Information Resources   817-308-0449   www.catalystinforesources.com

EPA Developing Methods for Measuring Total Microcystins in Fish Tissue

EPA is developing methods for measuring total microcystins in fish tissue using the 2-methoxy-3-methyl-4phenylbutyric acid (MMPB) derivatization procedure using LC/MS/MS. Existing fillet and whole fish homogenates were spiked with three congeners of microcystins both individually and as mixtures. For more information on this effort, contact Jim Lazorchak at Lazorchak.Jim@epa.gov or Toby Sanan at Sanan.Toby@epa.gov. From © Catalyst Information Resources  817-308-0449  www.catalystinforesources.com

Great sampling and reporting software solution!

SampleServe video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auAUCTqCDeo&feature=youtu.be See more about them at www.sampleserve.com  

Latest Cannabis Article by Ed Askew


Cannabis Lab Article



Here's a video from SampleServe describing their product: https://youtu.be/74vLTcMa_Vs

Quality Control in the Cannabis Industry; Part 3

Please see the link below to Part 3 of this series: https://www.cannabisindustryjournal.com/column/quality-plans-for-lab-services-managing-risks-as-a-grower-processor-or-dispensary-part-3/

EPA Publishes SW-846 Methods 8260D and 8270E

Methods 8260D and 8270E are used to determine volatile (VOCs) and semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in a variety of matrices by gas chromatography with a mass spectrometer detector (GC/MS). Method revisions include the option of hydrogen as a carrier gas, use of advanced measurement techniques, (e.g. selected ion monitoring, chemical ionization, and tandem mass spectrometry) and updated language for lower limit of quantitation and method blanks. In addition, tuning requirements...

Cannabinoid Business Quality Assurance

What Will You Get From This Training Introduction to Risks From Laboratory Reports Faced by Growers, Product Producers Such as Edible Manufacturers, and Dispensaries. Identification of Regulatory Requirements for Laboratory Services and the Monetary Fines Faced by  Growers, Product Producers Such as Edible Manufacturers, and Dispensaries. Pathways to Protect Your Business from These Risks. Training URL: Introduction Thursday, June 28th, 2018 3:00-4:00 CDT http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=qxovse6ab&oeidk=a07efhux0vub2ffa9f2   Edward F. Askew PhD Askew...

Seeding Labs Donations

We are very proud to be listed as one of the donors for Seeding Labs, an organization we think very highly of! https://seedinglabs.org/our-donors/

Presentation at the FSEA Meeting this Spring

We were pleased to present "A Geeks Guide to Syringe Filters" at the Florida Society of Environmental Analyst meeting this May in St. Pete Beach, FL

Seeding Labs

  Syringefilter.com is pleased to be working as a donor to Seeding Labs.  Our first shipment of syringe filters just went out to:  Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

FSEA Spring Meeting 2018 - Call for Abstracts

The Florida Society of Environmental Analysts (FSEA) will hold its Spring Meeting and Technical Session on May 23-25, 2018 at the Clearwater Beach Marriott Suites on Sand Key. FSEA is soliciting abstracts on environmental laboratory topics of interest to all environmental laboratory stakeholders. The abstract should deal with new concepts or novel applications of established concepts. It may describe substantial improvements of existing techniques or present new data in support...

Registration Opens for the 2018 Forum on Environmental Accreditation

Registration Opens for the 2018 Forum on Environmental Accreditation. The 2018 Forum on Environmental Accreditation will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque, NM, January 22-25, 2018. Some of the highlights for the week include: Meetings of TNI Committees to further TNI efforts on environmental laboratory accreditation, proficiency testing, and accreditation of field sampling and measurement organizations; An exhibit program showcasing the latest innovations in environmental monitoring; Discussion of...

Washington Trails Association (WTA)

SyringeFilter.com is happy to support Lee Otis and her daughter Lauren in their hike up Mt. Baker and Mt. Rainier! To give to their efforts and the WTA, please go to the following link: https://give.wta.org/fundraiser/965700    

Information about the 2016 Method Update Rule (MUR)

This information was taken from the Calibrate newsletter May 30th, 2017 ( www.catalystinforesources.com).   As reported previously, the new Administration asked that all Agencies recall all actions that had not yet been published in the Federal Register. The MUR was caught up in this recall and this action has been withdrawn from the Office of the Federal Register. EPA indicates they are not able to provide a date for when the...

TNI Education and Training - Understanding WET Testing

Webinar Description: This webinar, developed by the TNI WETT Expert Committee, discusses Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing. Topics to be covered include: Overview of WET Testing What is WET Testing Test Organisms Test Endpoints Data Analysis Test of Significant Toxicity (TST) West Coast Method                                                             Traceability of WET Testing Quality Manual and Standard Operating Procedures Personnel Training Test Organism Health Test Design              ...

J Lee Foundation

SyringeFilter.com is proud to support the J Lee Foundation for the Arts & Sciences.  More information about this organization may be found at www.jleefoundation.org.

Visit us at PITTCON!

Please stop by and see SyringeFilter.com at booth 5439 at Pittcon (www.pittcon.org) in the McCormick Place, Chicago from March 5th-9th!  We will be sharing a booth with our partner, Finetech.    

JLee for the Arts & Sciences

SyringeFilter.com is pleased to be sponsoring a hole for the upcoming golf tournament! The tournament is held at The Resort at Glade Springs Cobb Course on August 18th. For additional information regarding the tournament, please visit http://jleefoundation.org.

Distribution through AccuScience

SyringeFilter.com is pleased to work with AccuScience (www.accuscience.com), a supplier of instrumentation and supplies to laboratories across North America. For any information regarding Accuscience, please call (877) 723-2220 or email (sherif@accuscience.com) Sherif Khilla. http://www.accuscience.com